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作者 国贸十部 梁华  发布日期 : 2013-11-1





    我们现在的楼层——11,我们搬迁的日期——11月1日。如秦总所说,“一”的含义非同凡响。老子在《道德经》中说:“道生一,一生二,二生三,三生万物。”一乃万事之始,为婴孩之初步,为宇宙之奇点。虽然秦工已经取得了优异的成绩,但是我们不能满足,应抱着重新开始的空杯心态,虚心学习,不断更新策略,不断修正方向,才能做得更好,走得更远。一又是结果。成语云“九九归一”, 虽然指的是“周而复始”或“归根到底”,但不是原地轮回,而是由起点到终点、由终点再到新的起点。此次搬迁,不但是新阶段的开始,更是对旧阶段的告别,如破茧而出的蝴蝶,如涅槃重生之凤凰!从数学的角度讲,一代指整体,可寓意秦工万众一心,其利断金;当然一也可以代指细节,寓意不积跬步无以至千里,秦工家人将会一步一个脚印,始终以踏实、实在的工作与态度来赢取更好的明天!瞧!我们有那么多“一”,真是新航程的“好兆头”!



QINGONG International moves into a new building
International trade Dept. 10 Aimee Liang

Early in the morning on Nov 1st , 2013, Jinan Qingong International moved from 5th floor to the 11th floor, which is a symbol of the new campaign in overseas markets .

Recalling the past, in a poverty-stricken situation, with just 3 small offices, a telephone, a fax machine, we withstood the enormous pressure of the financial crisis, adhered the service concept “service is all, all is service". We welcomed many clients from overseas and got lots of orders; adhered the concept of innovation "profession, cooperation and win-win"; we cooperated with numerous manufacturers to reach agreements, won mandate and won their trust; practiced the cultural ideas of "dissemination of Chinese culture, to promote Qingong brand", we take our products to the world stage step by step ,and spread the Chinese culture to the world.

While presently, look, considerable area of office space, orderly office seating, elegant yet lively decoration layout. The meeting rooms look spacious and bright, simple trace atmospheric; take a turn to the Lounge, classical elegance; go to every office and see, bright and clean, comfortable and warm, the sun climbed through the window. During spare time, we can overlook the outside, the skyscrapers, mountains, blue sky, white clouds every now and then.

From three shabby offices to Shun Tai Plaza 5th Floor, Qingong also improved a lot. The move from the 5th floor to the 11th floor is a symbol of our continuous innovation and forward!
Relying on the company's strong corporate culture, convinced that "satisfaction is the best marketing," we consistently put the customer's needs first. Thinking what customers are thinking, worrying what customers are worrying, Qingong is highly appreciated by all the customers from the African, South America, South Asia and other parts. At the same time ,it creates unlimited opportunities for our broader development. On the other way, to adhere the the concept of innovation "profession, cooperation and win-win", we cooperate with with factories, distributors, freight forwarding, etc. Because of all the above, Qingong is highly recognized by everyone .

With the rising of the sun, we moved to a new office, which is a new beginning. I believe in the overall leadership of President Mr.Qin and we will continue to spread culture; under the guidance of President Mr.Qin’s cutting-edge thinking, we will continue to overcome the difficulties and obstacles. We believe with all Qingong family’s hard working and tireless efforts, we will create a glorious miracle.


  2013年8月9日,我司临时组建的“艺术团”,在秦总等领导的带领下,来到了合作伙伴——山东唐骏汽车制造有限公司,参加“2013年‘清凉一夏,展我风采’消夏晚会” 【详细


    为确保联谊会各项活动的有序开展,秦工国际活动组织中心的各位家人积极谋划方案,出点子。公司符合条件的家人踊跃报名,展示公司风采,舞动自己青春。 【详细


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